
North Strand American Legion Post 186


American Legion Post 186
Post Services Officer: Carl S. MacLeod
Cell: (203) 464-1241

Email: 1SGMacLeod@gmail.com

Past/Background Experience with helping veterans:
American Legion Post Service Officer
Veterans of Foreign Wars Service Officer
Disabled American Post Service Officer
Alpha Veterans Disability Advocate
Veterans Hospital Volunteer Veterans Advocate
Member of the Board of Directors “Home of The Brave” Veterans Advocate
Owner of “Tips from Top” Veterans Advocate
Retired US Army First Sergeant
For more information on a subject, click on the title:
Veterans Solutions 
File for DD214  
Vets Newsletter   
Community Veterans Programs  
Govt Web Sites 


Post 186 PSO Report August 2021

Post 186 PSO Report July 2021

Post 186 PSO Report June 2021


Family Information Sheet

The Family Information Sheet is a generic form
for use by any and all family members to assist those we have left behind.
It is not all-inclusive, and is provided as a starting point for you and your family
to discuss and to help them get through a difficult period.
If you have had a death in the family
and would like to know more about how this could help you, Click Here.